HomeTreksAdi Kailash TrekWhere is Adi Kailash - Story and How to Visit | Akash...

Where is Adi Kailash – Story and How to Visit | Akash Prajapati

Where is Adi Kailash?

Adi Kailash, also known as Chota Kailash. It is a mountain peak located in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. It is near the Indo- Tibetan border. It’s part of the Kumaon Himalayas and is positioned in the eastern end of the Kumaon region. That is about 16 km from the vill of Nabhi, in the quarter of Pithoragarh. Adi Kailash is considered sacred by Hindus. it’s believed to be the residence of Lord Shiva. It is just like its namesake, Mount Kailash in Tibet. The mountain peak is fairly lower visited by excursionists and pedestrians. It is owing to its remote position and the grueling terrain.

What is Adi Kailash Story?

The story of Adi Kailash is nearly related to the legend of Ravana. He was demon king of Lanka, who was a devout worshipper of Lord Shiva. According to the legend, Ravana was blessed with a godly Linga. A symbol of Lord Shiva. which he could use to worship the Lord and gain his blessings.

Till Now the Linga was so important that it couldn’t be kept down formerly lifted. If it were placed on the ground, it would get wedged there permanently.

Ravana, who was on his way back to Lanka after carrying the Linga from Mount Kailash. stopped at Adi Kailash to perform his evening prayers. As he was performing his rituals, he accidentally dropped the Linga on the ground. And it got stuck there. Despite his stylish sweats, he couldn’t lift the Linga. And it remained confirmed in the ground.

Why Adi Kailash Famous ?

Ravana, realizing his mistake. He was contended with Lord Shiva to forgive him and take the Linga back to Kailash. Lord Shiva, pleased with Ravana’s devotion, granted his want and decided to leave the Linga at Adi Kailash permanently.

He also blessed the place and declared that whoever visited Adi Kailash and worshipped the Linga with devotion. They would be blessed with wealth, happiness, and substance.

The Linga at Adi Kailash is known as the Ravana- Shila. it’s believed to be one of the most important and sacred Lingas in India. The mountain peak is also home to several other Temple and sanctuaries.

Including the Kuber Temple, which is devoted to the God of Wealth.

And the Parvati Kund, a holy lake where it’s said that Lord Shiva and Parvati used to take bath.

It isn’t only a sacred place for Hindus but also a popular destination for pedestrians and adventure trekkers. The journey to Adi Kailash is grueling and involves covering through rugged terrain and steep mountain passes. But the spectacular views of the snow, limited peaks and the pristine natural beauty of the surroundings make it a truly indelible experience.

How to reach Adi Kailash ?

Reaching Adi Kailash requires a significant quantum of touring and medication, as it’s located in a remote and mountainous region. There are the general way to reach Here….

  • Start by reaching Pithoragarh, It is the nearest city to Adi. Pithoragarh is well- connected by road. It is to major metropolises in Uttarakhand.
  • From Pithoragarh, hire a private vehicle or take a participated hack to reach the vill of Tawaghat, which is about 45 km down. This is the last point accessible by road.
  • From Tawaghat, journey to the vill of Sosa, which is about 22 km down. The journey takes about 2 days and involves crossing the Gori Ganga swash and touring through thick timbers and rugged terrain.
  • From Sosa, journey to the vill of Nabhi, which is about 6 km down. Nabhi is the last vill before Adi Kailash and serves as a base camp for pedestrians.
  • From Nabhi, journey to Here, which is about 18 km down. The journey takes about 2- 3 days and involves crossing several high- altitude mountain passes and touring through glaciers and snowfields.

It’s recommended to hire a companion or join a trekking group to reach Adi Kailash. Because the journey involves grueling terrain and high- altitude conditions that can be dangerous for inexperienced pedestrians. It’s also important to carry applicable touring gear, warm apparel, and sufficient food and water inventories.

How to reach Adi Kailash from Delhi ?

Adi Kailash is a remote and sacred mountain located in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, near the Tibet border. It isn’t fluently accessible and requires a considerable quantum of touring and boarding. Then is how you can reach Adi Kailash from Delhi….

  1. By Air :- The nearest field to Adi Kailash is gleeful Grant Airport in Dehradun. You can take a flight from Delhi to Dehradun and also hire a hack or take a machine to reach Pithoragarh, which is the base camp for There.
  2. By Train :- You can take a train from Delhi to Kathgodam or Tanakpur road station, both of which are well connected to Delhi. From there, you can take a hack or machine to Pithoragarh and also start your journey to Adi Kailash.
  3. By Road :- You can also take a machine or hack from Delhi to Pithoragarh, which is the nearest city to Adi Kailash. From there, you’ll have to journey for about 21 km to reach the base camp at Kutti Village, from where the journey to This place begins.
    Please note that the journey to there is grueling and requires a high position of physical fitness and abidance. It is recommended that you hire a companion. And also you should carry all the necessary outfit and inventories for the journey.

What is the Rules for visit Chota Kailash ?

As Adi Kailash is a sacred place for Hindus, there are certain rules and guidelines that callers are anticipated to follow to maintain the saintship and respect of the place. Then are some of the general rules for visiting Adi Kailash….

  • gain necessary permits Callers are needed to gain necessary permits from the quarter administration before visiting that Place. These permits can be attained from the SDM office in Pithoragarh or online through the sanctioned Uttarakhand tourism website.

Dress meetly Callers are anticipated to dress modestly and hypercritically, covering their heads and removing their shoes before entering the tabernacle and other holy places.

Don’t disturb the wildlife Adi Kailash is home to several exposed and rare species of wildlife, including the snow leopard and the musk deer. Callers are advised not to disturb the wildlife or their natural niche.

Don’t litter Callers are anticipated to maintain the cleanliness of the surroundings and not waste the place with plastic or other waste accoutrements . Carry back all the trash and dispose of it duly.

Admire the original culture Callers should admire the original customs and traditions and be aware of their geste
and language while interacting with the locals.

Don’t consume alcohol ornon-vegetarian food Consumption of alcohol ornon-vegetarian food is rigorously banned in and around Adi Kailash as it’s considered discourteous to the sacred place.

Follow the touring guidelines Callers are advised to follow the touring guidelines handed by the original authorities and the touring organizers, including carrying applicable touring gear and being physically fit for the journey.

By following these rules and guidelines, Trekkers can insure a safe and regardful visit to Adi Kailash and contribute towards the preservation of the natural and artistic heritage of the place.

Akash Prajapati
I am a seasoned traveler on a mission to unveil the enchanting tapestry of India's diverse landscapes. My unique perspective offers more than picturesque views. Follow me to discover the soul of the places I visit. I share the untold stories of hidden gems, local traditions, Hinduism and the warmth of Indian hospitality.



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